Care by MarSenses

For us, CARE is all that real friendship entails. This unconditional relationship based on love, commitment and care has been our reference to give personality to the programme. CARE is the fusion of all the actions that aim to have a positive and balanced repercussion in the social, economic, and environmental fields, without compromising future generations.

Aware of the work we carry out as a tourist company and the impact it has on the different levels of action, we will prioritise the decision-making of our actions to the local communities as suppliers and recipients of our sustainable objectives, as well as to disadvantaged population groups; to the defence and development of our corporate culture in favour of the MarSenses team and the guests of our accommodations; to the promotion of the culture and traditions of our islands and, above all, to a conscious and responsible consumption of natural resources.

This Corporate Social Responsibility programme will define viable projects that are coherent with our activities and have common interests and objectives with the actors involved, with our commitment to safeguarding the environment that surrounds us in the Balearic Islands being the result of our most important objectives.

Find out more about our aims and objectives for caring for the environment in our Sustainability Policy.

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2022| MarSenses Hotels & Homes, the first hotel chain with photovoltaic panels in all its accommodations

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certificates marsenses

It distinguishes tourism companies committed to responsible and sustainable practices in their operation. It is a quality label that guarantees respect for the environment, the local community and ethical principles in tourism.

certificates marsenses

International recognition that endorses an organisation's commitment to responsible environmental management, promoting the reduction of environmental impacts and the efficient use of resources.

cerificates marsenses

It rewards companies that adopt environmentally friendly practices in their operations, thus fostering a tangible commitment to the environment.

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Our initiatives